Danushka Bollegala

Invited Talks

Invited Talks

  1. Gave an invited talk this at LLMFinLegal at COLING-2025.
  2. I was invited to the panel on Hype vs. Hope: How Gen AI be deployed to boost wages and create public value? organised by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) at the Labour Party Conference held in Liverpool today. It was great to sit on a panel with representatives of the government, Open AI, IPPR and Nesta and have an in-depth and open discussion on this timely topic. Representing the University of Liverpool and the scientific side of Gen AI, I explained the various possibilities Gen AI brings to the job market, and the social bias mitigation and diversity related research that my group at Liverpool has been working over the last 5+ years.
  3. I was interviewed by Nikkei CNBC, a Japanese Financial News broadcaster, to provide my expert opinions about the possibilities and risks surrounding generative AI tools such as ChatGPT. See me speaking in Japanese here 😀
  4. Time Travel with Large Language Models Keynote given at *SEM 2023. slides
  5. Towards Socially Unbiased Generative Artificial Intelligence Invited talk given at the Open Data Science Conference, London, UK. slides(2023.06)
  6. NLP for Social Good Symposium, Closing Remarks, University of Liverpool, UK. (2023.06) slides
  7. Social Biases in Generative AI systems, Keynote talk given at the Digital Theme UK-Ukraine Twinning Initiative (2023.03)
  8. Invited talk at the Open Data Science Conference (ODSC), London. (2022.06)
  9. AI for HR -- tools and biases, Keynote talk at the World Human Resource ConferenceColombo. (2022.05)
  10. Keynote at the 16th International Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics (PACLING) on Overcoming the limitations in Lexical Representations via Meta-embedding Learning (2019.10)
  11. Keynote 2018 National Human Resource Conference of the Institute of Personnel Management (IPM) Sri Lanka on On Changing Human Resource Landscape in the Digital World (2019.06)
  12. EPSRC Liverpool Centre for Mathematics in Healthcare IMAGING AND DATA INTEGRATION EVENT on Natural Language Processing for Healthcare Informatics.
  13. Scientific Computing Center at Hartree Supercomputing Center, Darsebury, UK. on Learning the Meanings of Words from Big Data.
  14. Invited talk on *Big Data and IT Capabilities, Her Magesties Revenue and Customs (HMRC), Liverpool. (2016.07)
  15. Word and Relation Representation Learning, Workshop Knowledge Representation, Liverpool. (2016.06)
  16. Distributed embedding methods at Natural Language Group seminar at University of Sheffield. (2016.01)
  17. Deep learning for AI Keynote speech at APSITT, Colombo, Sri Lanka. (2015.8)
  18. Talk given at Microsoft Research Asia (Beijing) during my stay as a visiting researcher slides (2012.10)
  19. The 26th Annual National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Workshop on Semantics and Computing Relation Extraction and Relational Search on the Web, slides (2012.06)
  20. The 14th Information-Based Induction Sciences Workshop (IBIS 2011), Relational Data and Tensor Decomposition Invited Session, Nara, Japan. Relation Extraction from the Web. slides(2011.11)
  21. Google Inc., Mountain View, California, USA. Cross-Language Latent Relational Web Search (with Nguyen Duc). (2011.08)
  22. TOSHIBA Cambridge Research Laboratory, Cambridge, UK. Relation Adaptation: Learning to Extract Novel Relations with Minimum Supervision. (2011.07)
  23. ILCC School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, UK. Domain Adaptation for NLP. (2011.06)
  24. Department of Informatics, University of Sussex, UK. Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification. (2011.05)
  25. Microsoft Research (Redmond) talk given on Relational Duality: Unsupervised Extraction of Semantic Relations between Entities on the Web (2010.05)
  26. Rakuten Tech Talk given on Measuring Relational Similarity between Entities using Web Texts. (2010.03)
  27. First Japanese Web Conference Symposium) Creating AI from the Web slides (2009.12)